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 [Proof]Reporting a player

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Captain Commander

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[Proof]Reporting a player Empty
PostSubject: [Proof]Reporting a player   [Proof]Reporting a player Icon_minitimeWed Mar 28, 2012 1:58 pm

Before you make a thread in this section, consider these questions:

*Does this player I am going to report commit a bannable offense?

*Do I have screenshots and/or other clear evidence (videos) to convict this person?

If you answered "yes" to both of these questions, you should make a thread reporting the person.

However, if your thread is going to look like this, your thread will give rise to problems:

Quote :

omg devilzz skem me of my rare nx sword N it haz Donor MSI on it cuz he wan drop trade an he promise me i get de GM Job but he never gib. after he loot my itemz, he said "haha sucker" and log off. GM PLZ HELP MI.

Personal accounts (verbal stories) DO NOT count as evidence because your stories may be biased or manipulated. Furthermore, how will the GMs know whether you are lying or not?

The best evidence lies within the screenshots. Just posting a bunch of screenshots does not do anyone any good though. It must be clear in the screenshot that the person is obviously scamming/hacking/performing a bannable offense.

To take a screenshot, you press the "print screen" key on the top right corner of your keyboard. Sometimes, it may be abbreviated like "Prt Sc."

Then open up paint: Start ---> All Programs---> Accessories---> Paint
Then press CTRL + V to paste your screenshot onto Paint.

or just click scroll lock. Auto Captures it and it goes in your MapleStory Folder where your Monstah StoryClient is located.

Just save your screenshot and now you have some evidence.

To post your evidence, go to a file hosting site.
Image Shack, Photobucket or any others.

Upload your screenshot and a Direct Link.

Copy the DIRECT LINK OR URL and click the icon (Insert Image) or (Insert Video). Paste your link in the box that pops up.

Other Advice:
  • Something important revealed through chat should be in your screenshot, so expand your chat room, then take the screenshot.

  • Do not edit the screenshots such as editing out other people and their IGNs, cropping things out, or emphasizing something by drawing a circle around it. Just post them how they were when you first pasted them onto Paint. If you want to add commentary underneath your screenshots, that is definitely encouraged.

Quote :
"The best screenshots to report a scam are what was promised before the trade, during the trade, and after the trade."

Sometimes, screenshot as evidence just isn't enough. How can you show that someone is vaccing or swim hacking? How can I show the whole trade without fragmented screenshots?

Video evidence should do the trick.

[url=Hyper Cam 3][/url]
It is a free video recorder for online games. But I must say, Hypercam is sexy.

After you have downloaded one of them, launch it.

Go to the "Videos" tab and know what your "Video Capture Key" is. Go in-game and you will see yellow numbers in the top right corner of your screen. Click your "Video Capture Key" in-game to start recording. To indicate that you are recording, the numbers in the top right corner turn red. To stop recording, press your "Video Capture Key" again.

To see how your video turned out. Tab out (ALT + ESC same time) of the game and click "View" in the "Movies" tab of fraps. A window should pop up with your video in it and save your video to "My Documents."
Go to and upload your video. When it is done uploading, go watch your video to get the link and post it here as evidence by copying your Embedded URL to the "Insert Video" icon located above your text box when you post threads on forums.

After you have your evidence, it is then appropriate to post commentary or a story that goes with the evidence. However, this part is optional.

Good luck.
This is what a proper "Report Hack0rz" thread should look like:

This = Fail
Quote :
hi my ign is josheh, omg DevilzZ skem me of my rare nx sword N it haz Donor MSI on it cuz he wan drop trade an he promise me i get de GM Job but he never gib. after he loot my itemz, he said "haha sucker" and log off. [color=red]GM PLZ HELP MI.

Reporting a Hacker

This Dude was in a Map, and i saw him "Fast Attacking" so i recorded and banned him.

If YOU think i am missing something, then post below.

Last edited by ;JJ on Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 44
Join date : 2012-03-28
Age : 29
Location : Blargville

[Proof]Reporting a player Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Proof]Reporting a player   [Proof]Reporting a player Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 11:58 pm

Nice nice . :3.
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Captain Commander

Posts : 92
Join date : 2012-03-27
Age : 27
Location : In your wardrobe

[Proof]Reporting a player Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Proof]Reporting a player   [Proof]Reporting a player Icon_minitimeMon Apr 02, 2012 7:03 am

Thank you very much, Locking Post so no useless comments ;o
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PostSubject: Re: [Proof]Reporting a player   [Proof]Reporting a player Icon_minitime

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