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[Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 26, 2013 10:47 pm by ralphypoo

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[Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Icon_minitimeSun Feb 24, 2013 8:06 am by Table

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 [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s)

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Captain Commander

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[Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Empty
PostSubject: [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s)   [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Icon_minitimeTue May 01, 2012 4:20 pm

Since there has been some Requests & Ideas throughout the past few months, i've decided to make a format on how events should be, since i'm not good at explaining and ben loves editing my threads, he can do so<3

Example on how you should make a Request or an idea for events.

Event Name: Name of the event,
Event's purpose: A detailed description of the event, this will allow us to understand the rules and goals needed to be met.
Commands Included: Place the commands here that you want to use, if you do not know which commands will be used, please explain what the command does.
Rewards: List the items that will be given for a prize, ie: event Points or rare items (depending on the host)
Those that are best suited to host the event:Normal Players, Super Donors or Staff.
Extra Information (Optional) List any other useful information you think we may need or may draw our interest.
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Piece of Crap (PoC)
Piece of Crap (PoC)

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[Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s)   [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2012 4:18 am

HAHAHAHAHAHAA title and event name=same thing, Good fricken game brah, -edits-.
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PostSubject: Re: [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s)   [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2012 5:32 am

Zeus wrote:
HAHAHAHAHAHAA title and event name=same thing, Good fricken game brah, -edits-.

Legasp , Trying to be the smart guy here Razz.
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Gaga Fan
Gaga Fan

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[Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s)   [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2012 9:02 am

Should have kinda like a monster killing event
Event name: monster event
Event Purpose: To give bored players a fun way to try to kill monsters.
Commands Include: !spawn (id) (number) (hp)
Those that are best suited to host the event: Staff
Rewards: What ever the monster drops lol.
Extra Information (Optional): If this server get pros or just new people, they can have a fun time trying to kill the high hp monsters for fun, like in bankai. When the staff summons the monsters with a lot of hp players have a chance to kill it, and sometime the staff can help. but not spawn monsters with over like 20bil hp then it will take forever lol.
2---v If there is pvp
Event Name:Last man standing pvp event
Event Purpose: Pvp event in the ox map last one standing wins.
Commands include: for staff not to get hit !invincibe, and !pvpmap
Those that are best suited to host this event: Staff
Rewards:points or rare items staff choice.
Extra Information (Optional): This will be a fun event to do, if the pvp system is balance the players can have a equal opportunity to win. Ofcourse before the event starts everyone will have to spread out. But this will be a fun event to play in.

Last edited by ;JJ on Thu May 03, 2012 8:50 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Added another suggestion.)
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Captain Commander

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PostSubject: Re: [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s)   [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 8:54 am

Nick wrote:
Should have kinda like a monster killing event
Event name: monster event
Event Purpose: To give bored players a fun way to try to kill monsters.
Commands Include: !spawn (id) (number) (hp)
Those that are best suited to host the event: Staff
Rewards: What ever the monster drops lol.
Extra Information (Optional): If this server get pros or just new people, they can have a fun time trying to kill the high hp monsters for fun, like in bankai. When the staff summons the monsters with a lot of hp players have a chance to kill it, and sometime the staff can help. but not spawn monsters with over like 20bil hp then it will take forever lol.
2---v If there is pvp
Event Name:Last man standing pvp event
Event Purpose: Pvp event in the ox map last one standing wins.
Commands include: for staff not to get hit !invincibe, and !pvpmap
Those that are best suited to host this event: Staff
Rewards:points or rare items staff choice.
Extra Information (Optional): This will be a fun event to do, if the pvp system is balance the players can have a equal opportunity to win. Ofcourse before the event starts everyone will have to spread out. But this will be a fun event to play in.

1. There will be pvp (:
2. Love the ideas, especially the second one<3
Nick wrote:
Ofcourse before the event starts everyone will have to spread out. But this will be a fun event to play in.
3. What happens if they do not listen?
4. For the Monster event, there will be editing on what type of monster drops it does. So i do not think its a good idea, but its unique Smile
5.Thankyou for your splendid ideas!
6. What Ben would say
Zeus wrote:
i love it!
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Gaga Fan
Gaga Fan

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[Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s)   [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 9:08 am

If they don't listen, you can tell them to spread out or warp lol.
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Captain Commander

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[Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s)   [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 9:14 am

Nick wrote:
If they don't listen, you can tell them to spread out or warp lol.

Benny has an idea!
Zeus wrote:
oooooooo benny has an idea
i do like the monstah idea
we can do a specific monster
and edit the drops to drop an item needed

Muwhahaha i posted first than ya, so you cant post it benny, or you'll be double-posting (:
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Piece of Crap (PoC)
Piece of Crap (PoC)

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[Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s)   [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 9:15 am

;JJ wrote:
Nick wrote:
If they don't listen, you can tell them to spread out or warp lol.

Benny has an idea!
Zeus wrote:
oooooooo benny has an idea
i do like the monstah idea
we can do a specific monster
and edit the drops to drop an item needed

Muwhahaha i posted first than ya, so you cant post it benny, or you'll be double-posting (:

Haha you moron, that isn't what double posting is. I would go all nazi on this crap, but whatever. Yeah, so I did say that in a chat with Josh so it is a legit comment. Wink Great ideas Nick, keep em coming.
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Captain Commander

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[Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s)   [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 9:18 am

Zeus wrote:

Haha you moron, that isn't what double posting is. I would go all nazi on this crap, but whatever. Yeah, so I did say that in a chat with Josh so it is a legit comment. Wink Great ideas Nick, keep em coming.

Legit Comment it was, Great ideas indeed. truly marvellous that i'll stop posting until another great suggestion comes.
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PostSubject: Re: [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s)   [Format]Requesting/Ideas on an Event(s) Icon_minitime

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