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 [Announcement]Forum and Game Rules (Terms Of Service)

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Posts : 23
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[Announcement]Forum and Game Rules (Terms Of Service) Empty
PostSubject: [Announcement]Forum and Game Rules (Terms Of Service)   [Announcement]Forum and Game Rules (Terms Of Service) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 9:17 am

Terms of use


Forums / Chat / Messaging Rules
We have not set out to limit people's freedom of speech or discussion. These rules simply strive to keep the boards on topic, productive and inclusive for all members. Accidental violation of minor rules will not result in strict penalties. We want our users to enjoy our boards and feel that these rules will ensure that everyone can equally. However, intentional misuse of the forums, chat and/or messaging will result in a warning.

[*]Committing Infractions at MonstahStory will result in a first warning, followed by temporary bans. If the issue becomes chronic, a permanent ban or IP banned will be considered.
* For purposes of our rules, we will work under a 4 strikes policy.
The first offense results in a warning.
The second offence results in a 1 to 14 day ban
The third will be the final warning.
The last strike will result into a possible Permanent Account or IP banned.

Religion and Politics
MonstahStory allows players to discuss and talk about ingame stuff and other topics freely, but refrain from topics which might hurt the sentiments of the masses due to Political and Content of Religion. Hateful content includes, but is not limited to, discriminating comments about: race, ethnicity (what country someone is from), religion, age, gender, sexuality, socioeconomic status and political beliefs. MonstahStory holds complete and total discretion to decide what is hateful. Such posts will be edited or deleted by MonstahStory moderator staff.

Language Policy
MonstahStory wishes to create the friendliest atmosphere possible in our forums and on our game server. As such, excessive use of strong language will not be tolerated. Only English is allowed in Forums and Game Chat.

Flaming and Personal Attacks
MonstahStory does not tolerate personal attacks on other posters/players. Please keep your arguments and posts on topic, and argue the ideas and topics of the thread instead of insulting other users. Unreasonable or Unsubstantiated comments about specific or general games/admins/moderators will be penalized and treated seriously and promptly as seen fit.

Spamming / Referral Links
We encourage users to report posts, bugs or problems in game. Multiple Posts on same subject, advertising of other sites, promoting other online games or games in general, and excessive capping and gibberish will be treated as spam. Such posts will be edited or deleted by MonstahStory moderators or admin. Discussing or advertising unofficial servers or emulators for MMOs is not permitted on the MonstahStory forums.

Posting excessive negative comments or baiting others to respond in a negative manner is considered trolling on the MonstahStory forums. Such Players will be banned and posts edited or deleted

Virtual Trading
MonstahStory does not allow the purchase, sale, or trade of in-game assets, accounts.

Inappropriate Signatures or Hate Names ingame
Signatures may not contain material that breaches MonstahStory Rules of Conduct. Any signature containing pornographic pictures, offensive words or pictures, and links that contain or might offend the other players will not be tolerated. Such posts will be edited or deleted. Players with hate names are not allowed, they will be banned.

MonstahStory does not allow users to advertise products or companies in our forums/games. If you want to advertise, contact

3rd Party Programs
MonstahStory does not allow forum discussion concerning programs that go against a game's EULA. This includes, but is not limited to, third party programs to automate gameplay or gain an unfair advantage over other players. Please check with your specific game's EULA for more details on what is or isn't allowed.

Pornographic Images
MonstahStory has subscribers of all ages and beliefs. Posting any pornographic images, content or links, no matter what the medium, will not be tolerated. At the discretion of the moderators and community manager, this rule will also be extended to include images of an erotic nature.

Multiple Accounts
If the staff of MonstahStory discovers that a user is creating and/or using multiple accounts, that user, and all accounts, both past and present, will be banned from MonstahStory. We might also ban the players IP in such cases. In case You have a family member sharing a PC or Same Router/wireless then you will need to mail us a Valid Photo Identity Proof of the involved parties. Inability to produce a valid photo identity proof will result in ban of accounts or IP. MonstahStory reserves the right to ask you for other proof as well in case of doubt.

Posting Other's Personal Information Without Consent.
It is against our rules to post the personal information of other people without their consent. This includes, but is not limited to, email correspondence, contact information, photographs, personal comments of rude nature, financial information and social security numbers. It is to the moderator's discretion to decide whether or not the line has been crossed. Impersonating a known player, member, Moderator, Game Master, or an employee of MonstahStory - No matter for any reason is prohibited, such actions will cause legal or other severe action/actions on such persons.

Off-topic posts
Every topic has its own section for a reason, and we would like to help foster the habit of posting in the right topic and on topic. NO advertising or links are allowed in any sections of forums

Antagonism (deliberate hate posts without an acceptable basis)
Making posts like these will only disrupt our community and will cause an unnecessary commotion; so try to avoid making these topics (Posts like players quitting or getting punishment of any sort ). If you do have concerns, kindly PM any Admins/GMs they will be more than happy to be aware of your concern.

Account/Item Sharing & Transfers
MonstahStory does not allow users to share accounts or transfer account/items. Under some special circumstances we allow players to have the account babysat, but for this the player needs to get permission from GM/admin or else it will be considered a case of multiple accounts. We suggest and request that No player share account or any personal info with other players. If you share an account or items, it is at your, the players, own risk and we are not responsible for any loss/refunds arising of such actions

If you have any concerns or queries regarding this post, please pm an admin in forum or mail monstahstory[at]

We are and will not be responsible for any issues/loss/refunds arising out of account sharing issue. Please Do not Share your account Information with any moderator.

Steps for punishment:
VERBAL IN CHAT WARNING/FORUM WARNING - speak /warn the gamer via post making sure that they know what they have done wrong and that next time they do it, they will be muted/ post deleted or account banned, please remember repeated offenders will either be muted or banned. Any player found to be repeating the offense will be muted, Banned or IP Banned, such players may contact us at
Please Note : Only english In Chat and Forums Except the language Sections in Off topics (Please do not spam or post Ads in those sections)
Repeated offenders may be muted without warnings or even banned temporarily.
All and any events posted in MonstahStory forums is exclusive to monstahstory registered players only!
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