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 Guide/Rules to the Ban Appeal Section [READ]

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PostSubject: Guide/Rules to the Ban Appeal Section [READ]   Guide/Rules to the Ban Appeal Section [READ] Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 9:21 am

Table of Contents / Quick Links
  • How to know if you are Banned

  • Format of an Unban Request

  • Posting in an Unban Request Thread

How to know if you are Banned
Do not submit an unban request thread unless you are 100% sure you are IP, MAC, or account banned.
IP Bans
Guide/Rules to the Ban Appeal Section [READ] 29wvoz7
If you get the above message when you try to log in, you are IP and/or Account banned.

MAC Bans

If you are MAC banned, you are able to successfully log into your account, but whenever you double click your character or enter a channel you are disconnected from the program and given the "Connection to the server has ended. Please try it again later" message as shown below:

Guide/Rules to the Ban Appeal Section [READ] T679k2

Format of an Unban Request

Thread Title: [Player name]

The name above should be your IGN (AKA the name your character has when you are in game)

Thread Message:
* Login Name :
* IGN :
* Reason : You MUST PM any of the staffs, Only in-Forums.
* Why you think you should get unbanned (If you do include this, make it coherent and understandable. If it is not, your appeal will be denied.)
* External IP Address (Use this to get it: Link)
Please note: An IP address of the form 192.168.X.X is NOT your external IP address.

* MAC Address (Use this to get it: Link <For Windows Vista and 7, follow the Windows XP instructions.>

Quote :

To find your MAC Address, follow these simple steps.
1. Click the Start menu button on the Windows taskbar.
2. Click 'Run...' on this menu.
3. Type 'cmd' in the text box that appears. A command prompt window launches on the desktop.
4. In this command window, type 'ipconfig /all'. Details are shown for each of the computer's network adapters. Computers installed with VPN software or emulation software will possess one or more virtual adapters.
The 'IP Address' field states the current IP address for that network adapter.
The 'Physical Address' field states the MAC address for that adapter.

Sample Unban Request:

If you don't follow the format, please don't expect to be unbanned, and don't be surprised to find your thread deleted either.

Posting in an Unban Request Thread

Rules for the Thread Poster
  • Do not create a new ban appeal thread if your current one has not been resolved or denied.

Do not create a new ban appeal if you have already been denied. Doing so just annoys all of us.
  • You are not allowed to make an unban request for anyone but yourself. This INCLUDES family members, friends, etc. Only post for yourself.

  • Be patient and understanding, our staff team is working as hard as we can to help everyone equally.

  • Be honest and truthful, sometimes lying will just lead you to no where, if you want a second chance, be honest and do not repeat the same mistake again.

  • Do not bump your Unban Request thread.

  • Do not double post. Exercise the "Edit" button at the bottom of your post.

  • Do not Private Message a Staff about your ban thread.

  • Make your unban appeal legible; making it unlegible makes it hard for us to understand the post and thus lowers your chances of becoming unbanned.

Rules for Everyone

  • You should only be posting if you have evidence supporting/not supporting the person (i.e. a screenshot).

  • Do not hold conversations in Unban Request threads.

  • Refrain from flaming or insulting other users. We discourage the use of profanity and insults, so do not cause a flame war. Settle disputes elsewhere, such as private messaging, spam sections or debate sections. This is for the admins' purpose, not users to argue about.

  • Be more productive in posts instead of saying "Good Luck", these posts will be deleted, and user MAY receive a warning if not an infraction.

Specific Prohibitions:

  • Posting random crap in people's unban appeal threads i.e. "good luck", "you should/shouldn't be unbanned", etc

  • Insults to a staff member/community member/community in general

  • Stupid and unnecessary advice i.e. "post your mac" or "post your ip".

Penalties for not following the posting rules:
  • Your post will be deleted.

  • You will gain an infraction.

  • 3 infractions: you will be banned up to 2 weeks.

  • 5 infractions: you shall be permanently banned.

  • If you make another account after yours has been banned, you shall be permanently IP banned. This means that NO ONE from your IP shall be able to log in or make an account.

  • If you create another account with a new identity you will also be permanently IP banned.

Click here to read "Forum Rules & Infractions "

Thread Owner:
  • Have all your appeals ignored and removed.

Thank you for reading!
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Guide/Rules to the Ban Appeal Section [READ] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guide/Rules to the Ban Appeal Section [READ]   Guide/Rules to the Ban Appeal Section [READ] Icon_minitimeSun Apr 22, 2012 12:28 pm

I suggest that blaming other people for his/her own ban should be invalid. ie:
"Banned person A : I was out for lunch and my sister jumped on and hacked then I got banned."
Given that this is the internet, how do we know for sure whether s/he is lying or not?
"Banned person B : My friend told me to try it and I didn't know that this was a bannable offence"
Person B should have checked before doing what ever his/her friend told him/her to do.
Unless there are solid proof, these reasons should not be acceptable.
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Piece of Crap (PoC)
Piece of Crap (PoC)

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Guide/Rules to the Ban Appeal Section [READ] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guide/Rules to the Ban Appeal Section [READ]   Guide/Rules to the Ban Appeal Section [READ] Icon_minitimeMon Apr 23, 2012 1:43 am

Haha Linh, first off the first example would be a terrible excuse. If their sister hacked on their account while they were getting lunch, it means they have hacks already. Also excuses will be viewed by the admins, so don't worry about people and their terrible lies.
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PostSubject: Re: Guide/Rules to the Ban Appeal Section [READ]   Guide/Rules to the Ban Appeal Section [READ] Icon_minitime

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